6 Things About Labour that First-time Moms Need to Know
So you've got the due date and know around when your little one's going to be in our arms. Your heart's filled with unbound happiness and you've probably fantasized and replayed all different versions of your delivery in your head and they're all amazing.

But somewhere deep down in your heart there's a spec of doubt and unease that's starting to make you worry. What if things don't go as planned? You haven't given a baby before, how do you even know what to do? Though you've taken the birth class, you still don't feel confident because it wasn't real. Are you even prepared to handle the real thing? If something goes wrong would you be able to handle it? Are you strong enough?
These horrible questions are traumatizing your days and keeping you awake at night, aren't they?
But don't you worry, in this blog we walk you down step by step what labour is like, so you know beforehand what it is that you'll be going through and that it's okay and normal.
Let's decode "labour":
- Getting bad period cramps around your due date: you might be experiencing early labour
A lot of first-time moms wonder what labour feels like. And how will they know that they're experiencing it? Well, for the majority, it starts like a period cramp and escalates from there.

So, that's the 1st one decoded for you:
period cramps around due date = early labour.
Moreover, early labour is nothing to worry about.
Usually, it can start around 6 to 12 hours before the baby's birth wherein you can experience mild contractions coming every 5 to 15 minutes and lasting for about 60 to 90 seconds. Try spending this time at home or at a place you're comfortable.
2.You'll realize that you're "BOLDER" than you thought
You won't be able to relate to this one right now, but honestly, you'll be totally okay with exposing your body or even being nude if the situation calls for it.
We've had countless mamas tell us that it wasn't even the last thing they could be bothered about.
At that moment the only thing you care about is having that baby.
So you can completely stop worrying about this one right away. It'll be the easiest of all the things and you'll realize that you're way bolder than your wildest imagination :)
Plus, if it makes you feel better don't forget that:
The doctors and nurses have seen it all, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
3. It's also a test of your relationship:
Labour can be exhausting and excruciating, battling through it can often take up all your strength and in those moments you need someone who understands you without you even having to say a word. In most cases it's usually your partner, so make sure that you've both gone over the birth plan thoroughly and are on the same page.

So that whenever need be, your partner can stand up for you and voice your concerns as you go through this battle.
4. Epidurals don't numb you towards the experience
Epidurals are surely great when it comes to relieving a significant amount of childbirth pain.
But they have their limits as well.
Epidurals are given during labour so there's really no getting away with early labour pain and experience.
Moreover, some women have certain medical conditions that straight away chalk out the possibility of taking epidurals.
Whereas, others have reported certain side effects like shaking and nausea.
But don't worry your medical team will ensure that your response is normal and you're at ease throughout.
Adding to that, some women have opined that "Epidurals take care of the pain but not the pressure and that's what labour is majorly about."
5. When the going gets worse, worse gets going.
In most cases, labour soars with time and you finally reach a "transition stage" wherein the dilution increases to 7-10 cm and you're building up to push.
As the cervix stretches the last few centimetres, contractions start getting intensely powerful, leaving just a few minutes in between to relax.
This is the time when you feel like you can't take it anymore but the truth is that you can because this is the worst part and it all eases up from here as the baby is almost here.
All you need to know is that "When the going gets worse, worse gets going".
6. You'll feel like Wonder Woman
It'll feel like you've made it through the worst storms of your life. But you're there alive, waking up like a superhero who's had this intense final fight scene but she's knocked down all the bad guys and she's alive and the world is the most beautiful place with this new life wrapped in your arms.

It's pretty emotional and cinematic.
And it's so worth it.
Though you can go on and on reading on this subject nothing really gets as close as the real experience itself. But you've got to trust your gut feeling and know that it's going to be truly amazing and surely breathtaking.
And you'll make it out "STRONGER".